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[Rameses B - Spacewalk] Primer serio candidato al mejor álbum de 2018


Godtaster - Encoder - Rey de los Autistas - Ey
7 Ene 2017
Siempre he admirado la capacidad para componer de Rameses B, un artista de producción muy abundante y de gran calidad. Sin embargo, esta vez se ha sacado un álbum de 10. Llevo ya 10 días escuchándolo en bucle, y es que es impresionante la emoción y tranquilidad que transmite. Sin duda, serio candidato a mejor álbum de 2018, uno de mis favoritos of all time desde hoy. Recomiendo buscar un momento de tranquilidad, unos buenos cascos y deleitarse with this healing sounds.

Rameses B nos presenta su álbum con estas palabras, recomiendo leerlas detenidamente, ya que no es muy habitual que un compositor de esta talla se ponga a hablar de sus creaciones:

"In a world where things seem like they're going too fast, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to slow down, be in the moment and get recharged to tackle through anything. That's exactly what this album is made for, listening to music that helps you relax and get lost in a gorgeous landscape, boosting your creative inspiration to help you study, work or just for the sheer enjoyment of feeling your soul come alive. I've had countless people telling me how much my music has saved their lives and I'm so happy to be making this style again, it comes straight from the heart and I'm sure you will feel it too."

"I've put a lot into finding the right sounds and utilising ROLI's Seaboard RISE to get that organic touch, it's been perfect for getting that fluid motion of sound into my tracks. There's been an influx of dance music and it can become incredibly saturated when you hear the same synths used time and time again. This is what makes this album special, it's going against the grain and bringing back the soul that has been lost. As far as I can hear, this music is in short supply and I want to step up and bring the feeling of melancholic optimism back. Love life, be your genuine self and open your eyes to the world you want it to be."

1. Nycto

"Nycto, meaning 'night' is an ambient journey through soundscapes introducing what's to come throughout the rest of the album."

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2. Orbit

"Take a trip through space, seeing the wonders of our universe from another perspective whilst listening to this progressive, ambient piece of music."

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3. Lunar

"Walk among the waves of sound and gaze up to the moon and stars that pass us by, the motion of worlds is a sight and feeling to behold when nature and physics show us the powerful and majestic effects it can have on the world around us."

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4. Heal Again (feat Ghost Wars)

"My first Indie/chill track with vocalist 'Ghost Wars' takes us on an inner journey of our body and the healing we can accomplish as human beings."

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5. Moonwake

"Wind down and relax as this lullaby washes over us into a deep slumber. Moonwake's direct definition is the reflection of moonlight on a body of water. It is tranquil and sweet, made for reflecting on past memories and bringing that feeling of nostalgia into our presence."

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6. Traveller

"Fly through landscapes with positive energy and uplifting vibes. This is the feeling of travelling on fluffy clouds, adventuring with safety and exploring with no limits."

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7. Feel So Good

"Fall into a euphoric trance as endorphins flow through your body bringing you to a new height of happiness. It feels so good."

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8. Venus (feat Zoe Moon)

"Inspired by the TV show 'The Expanse' and featuring the soul touching vocals of Zoe Moon, this takes us on a liquid adventure through space and time bringing our journey forward to a faster pace."

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9. Celestial

"Cinematic, piano and instrumental soundtrack, representing the beauty of our universe. The emotions we feel are all because of everything that happened before us to make life possible in the first place. To be emotionally moved by vibrating frequencies of sound is truly incredible, the simple but important pleasures of life that make it worth living, music."

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10. Spacewalk (feat Veela)

"We should never surrender to our surroundings, instead we must venture forth and find new meaning as we grow. We are humans, we are curious and we must stay that way if we are to roam the stars and become more celestial than we could ever imagine. The gorgeous vocals by Veela express this with pure empathy and genuine feeling. This track ends the album but doesn't end the journey, stay hopeful and have faith for new beginnings."

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Get the album: http://bit.ly/2DPH6pc

∇ Rameses B:
● Spotify - http://bit.ly/RamesesB_Spotify
● Facebook - http://bit.ly/RamesesB_FB
● Soundcloud - http://soundcloud.com/RamesesB
● Youtube - http://youtube.com/RamesesB
● Twitter - http://twitter.com/RamesesB
● Instagram - http://instagram.com/RamesesB
Full en 1 vídeo:
Aunque bastante erróneo lo de llamarlo EP, y lo de poner eso de (OWL Continuous Mix) pero bueno. Al menos va todo seguido.

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Gran post :numberone: y he escuchado unas canciones y no están mal.
Me gusto mucho la llamada lunar.
Última edición por un moderador:
Arriba Pie